Why you shouldn’t leave whiplash untreated?

There are a number of injuries that can cause whiplash, ranging from car accidents to trip and falls. The severity of whiplash can vary from mild and uncomfortable to seriously debilitating, the longer whiplash goes untreated the more painful and debilitating it can become. Many people consider whiplash to be nothing more than having a sore neck for a day or two, and although some instances of whiplash are just that, the reality is that whiplash can cause long lasting painful and even serious health problems.

Warning signs

The problem with whiplash is that it can go days even weeks without any symptoms at all. The scary part about this is that although you may not feel the effects of the whiplash related injury it is still doing damage to your muscles and vertebrae. Headaches are a common symptom of whiplash but unfortunately most people don’t associate headache with whiplash unless it is paired with neck or muscle pain. Feeling fatigued can also be an indication of whiplash that can go unnoticed.

The most common signs of whiplash is pain or stiffness in the neck and shoulders as well as the lower and upper back, this can start out mild and increase overtime. Many people who have suffered a whiplash injury do not feel any pain until the next morning and often assume that the pain or stiffness they are feeling is as result of having slept the wrong way. Jaw pain and dizziness are also symptoms associated with whiplash. If you have any of these symptoms a doctor or physiotherapist should see you right away.

Whiplash effects worsen over time when untreated

Whiplash is primarily muscle strain due to some sort of impact, muscle strained related injuries often worsen over time without proper rest and therapy. One of the main reasons that whiplash goes untreated is because the person who is suffering from it has either not had any initial symptoms, or have attributed the symptoms to something else.

Whiplash is responsible for many people suffering from chronic pain and discomfort. Seeking immediate treatment from a qualified physiotherapist is the best defence against the potential for long term pain that whiplash can cause.  One of the first things you should do after a minor car accident, trip and fall or any other injury that may result in whiplash is contact a qualified physiotherapist right away for an examination, whiplash can be treated before any symptoms occur and in some cases can even prevent the pain and discomfort associated with whiplash altogether.