How Physiotherapy for Whiplash Can Help

Whiplash can be an incredibly inconvenient injury that can occur in a number of different ways, and it shouldn’t be left untreated if you think you have it. Here at Physio Wellbeing we treat a wide range of injuries and pains that you may be experiencing in order to get you back into your usual routine as soon as possible! Whiplash is a common injury and most people make a full recovery, but it’s important that you take control of the situation and be proactive.

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Why you shouldn’t leave whiplash untreated?

There are a number of injuries that can cause whiplash, ranging from car accidents to trip and falls. The severity of whiplash can vary from mild and uncomfortable to seriously debilitating, the longer whiplash goes untreated the more painful and debilitating it can become. Many people consider whiplash to be nothing more than having a sore neck for a day or two, and although some instances of whiplash are just that, the reality is that whiplash can cause long lasting painful and even serious health problems.

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