How Physiotherapy for Elderly Patients Can Help Reduce Impact of Ageing

Our bodies will naturally experience wear and tear as we age; this is a normal process that occurs due to living an active life over the years. Sometimes it’s a case of reduced strength and balance over a period of time, other times it can be something more serious. Age-related incidents can include the likes of reduced muscle strength, poor co-ordination and general problems with mobility and balance.

Physiotherapy for elderly patients can help to reduce some of the impact ageing can have on our bodies. Whether you are experiencing deteriorating motor skills or something more severe, you may benefit from physiotherapy treatment.

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The Benefits of Stretching Exercises

Stretching can have many benefits when it comes to your muscles, and while it does not always prevent injuries from happening, it can certainly help as stretching can prepare and warm up your muscles before any sort of training.

Even though research doesn’t necessarily point towards the concept of stretching being essential, there is no harm in it either. Stretching exercises are thought to improve flexibility and increase your range of movement, and it can reduce muscle soreness after exercise. This is because stretching can increase the blood and nutrient supply to your muscles. You are likely to lose flexibility gradually if you stop stretching, usually after about 4 weeks.

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